Staff Appreciation Day at CCDC – A Celebration of Dedication!
Friday, March 7th was a day of gratitude and celebration as CCRES Staff Appreciation Day at the Child and Career Development Center (CCDC) turned into a huge success! Over 300 CCDC staff members – including teachers, personal care assistants, registered behavioral therapists, and other educational and behavioral health professionals – were honored with a pizza party celebration hosted by CCRES.
Our CCRES administrative team, alongside CCDC leadership, proudly served and recognized the incredible individuals who provide life-changing support to students with special needs. Joining the festivities was Bruce Tinor, Principal of CCDC, who expressed appreciation for the staff’s unwavering commitment and dedication to making a difference in the lives of so many students.
We are beyond grateful for our CCRES team members who give so much of themselves every day to support and empower students. Thank you for all that you do! 💙🍕
#CCRES #StaffAppreciation #ThankYou #MakingADifference