The Main Line Health NICU – Bingo for Babies was held on March 18th 2023. This event is very significant for one staff members, Sharon King, for two special reasons, her sons Bryan and Kyle. Sharon has been involved in this organization for 25 years when by twins were born almost 3 months prematurely. The NICU Parent Advisory Network counsel’s parents/families whose infants are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Many premature babies are prone to learning and physical disabilities. This group provides emotional support and networking opportunities that offer families guidance along the way. We have purchased medical equipment for the NICU, we hold a holiday celebration for the families to come back to visit their medical staff, and we offer financial funding for the Early Developmental Center who offers follow-up care to the infants in the NICU. Visit their website and facebook page to find out more!
NICU Parent Network
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